The Inspirer

"If you enjoy and have fun in all you do, success or result cannot fail"

I started my journey and personal development very actively from the age of 25. Through various coaching and training courses in The Netherlands and abroad. But, also by reflecting, meditation, writing and reading all kinds of bibliographies and books and by gaining hands-on experiences. What I realized more than ever in recent years is that I am here to share inspiration and love. Everywhere I go, whether in business, while meeting with acquaintances and even with strangers. It is my mission to spread love, positivity and the greater good. Having fun in life and laughing regularly is very important to me.

The core values ​​in business are quality and result in combination with emphasis and fun. One cannot do without the other. I believe that everyone is influential. If you look at yourself as someone who can exert influence, you can share this in a positive or less positive way. I choose to show my influence always in a positive way.

In 2015 I walked 800 kilometers, in six weeks, to Santiago de Compostela. This was one of the happiest periods of my life. Six weeks without email or a telephone, six weeks without news, six weeks exercising outdoors in nature everyday. I met all kinds of people during his walk to Santiago. At one point he met someone who shared with him the following inspiration: “I found what I was looking for. Life revolves only around three things: health, nature and being with other people”. I felt that this wisdom was absolutely true. Look at everything we strive for and think about what we need every day in our lives. If that does not satisfy one of these three aspects then we are missing out somewhere.

“If you can dream it, you can do it!”